A Fine Selection of Baroque Bronze Sculptures
Price has been updated from information received about value. This item is in the category Art\Art Sculptures. Listed By Dealer or Reseller. Item has a good deal of patina and does have a greenish hue.
Tag Archives: bronze
WWI Bronze Trench Lighter Artillery Nurse sculptured rare
The most unique lighter in the world
You are not required to hold an account to pay, therefor you can use your credit/debit card through their services quickly and easily. Wwi bronze trench lighter artillery nurse sculptured rare icon relics reserves the right to cancel any order due to issues involving merchandise availability.
You are not required to hold an account to pay, therefor you can use your credit/debit card through their services quickly and easily. Wwi bronze trench lighter artillery nurse sculptured rare icon relics reserves the right to cancel any order due to issues involving merchandise availability.